How to make a Booking

If this is your first visit to Cats Whiskers then we need to speak to you on the phone or in person to discuss the requirements of you & your cat before we can accept a booking.

We need to know if your cat is on medication. We like to know how your cat behaves in general at home, with you, other people and other cats or if been to a cattery before, how it got on. This helps us to understand the needs of each particular cat and treat them accordingly.
Tell us about your Cat's good or bad habits to make it easier to care for them. For example, it helps to know of messy toilet habits, particular loves/hates and reactions to grooming.

We strongly recommend visiting & viewing any cattery you are considering boarding your cat with, before you make a booking. You must be happy with the accommodation & care that your cat will receive whilst boarded in a cattery. If you wish to come & view the cattery please telephone or email to make an appointment within our opening hours.

To make a booking we need to know what day you want to bring your cat in to the cattery & what day you would like to collect.

If you are travelling earlier or later in the day, please book your cat in the day before you travel or collect the day after you return.

Please let us know whether you would like a standard or an executive chalet.

If it is more than one cat from the same household, are you happy for them to share accommodation?

If you have been to Cats Whiskers before please let us know if your cat has the same feeding & care regime as the last visit.

Please make sure that we are made aware of any changes in health or medication.

We reserve the right to refuse to board any cat on the grounds of health or behaviour.

Essential Information

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Opening Hours

Please respect our opening hours


Cat Boarding Prices


What we need to see